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Tag Archive 'Business as Mission'

9 million people live in Sweden. Approximately 300 000 Swedes go hunting every year and they shoot 100 000 moose. Moose hunters need to know what a moose looks like. If they don’t know, you certainly don’t want to be around during hunting season. Your success as a hunter depends on knowing your target. One can only […]

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There is a global shortfall of about 1.8 billion good formal jobs, according to Jim Clifton, CEO of Gallup.* That is nearly a quarter of the world’s population. Many people live in the insecure informal job sector, which often is filled with survival activities in the form a subsistence business. Most people hope for a […]

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One can identify 3 essential activities which have helped to catalyze and grow the global Business as Mission (BAM) movement: 1. Developing the concept,  2. Spreading the concept and 3. Applying the concept. Of course one cannot credit just one book, event, person or organisation with the current interest in Business as Mission amongst Christians […]

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A Wounded Healer

I have a passion for the least, lost, and the lowliest – with a special focus in the Arab world and Asia. Sometimes I feel at home everywhere, and sometimes I feel at home no-where. I have lived and worked in half the countries of the world, lived in fear at home because of severe […]

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In just 100 years, this country went from ‘unreached’ to ‘churched’, with approximately 90 percent of the population attending church as members.  It is the ultimate success story in the history of Christian mission – if the success criteria are church planting and church growth. In just over 100 days, nearly one million citizens (and […]

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