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My father

It is now ten years since my father died. I miss him.

Enclosed below is the note I emailed to friends around the world the day after he died.

I am thankful for my father. Among other things he exemplified what unconditional love means.

I am also very thankful for my mother, who still lives in Malmö. She is a constant source of encouragement.



Friday, 17 May 2002

Dear friend,

My father passed away 16 May, 09:45 am. He has been fighting cancer since the late 80’s. His condition deteriorated significantly in the past 3 – 4 months.

Two days ago, Wednesday night, the doctor and other medical staff saw a turn for the worse and I decided to take the first train the following morning to Malmö, about six hours south of Stockholm.

Yesterday, while on the train, my mother called on my mobile: “Now it’s over”. I took a pen and paper* and jotted down a few words that came to my mind about my father:

  • Laughter
  • Warmth
  • Passion
  • Humour
  • Personal
  • Private
  • Visionary
  • Pioneer
  • Articulate Communicator

On arrival the nurse and I dressed up my father. My mum and I spent time talking, praying and crying.

My father was a pastor all his life and saw remarkable changes and growth in various churches around the country.

The funeral is tentatively planned for June 4.

Glory to God for his goodness – now my father has no more pain – he enjoys the fullness of life in the immediate presence of God.

Mats Tunehag


* I wrote these things on an envelope, see below.

Businesses shape the world. But how can we shape businesses to shape the world for good and for God? That is the underpinning question addressed in a new book about Business as Mission, BAM: Building the Kingdom Through Business.

BAM is intentional about making a positive difference with regards to four bottom lines: economical, social, environmental and spiritual. Or put differently: BAM = 4 x P.

How can businesses serve people, align with God’s purposes, be good stewards of the planet and make a profit?

Building the Kingdom Through Businesses by Bridget Adams and Manoj Raithathamanoj is an important pamphlet, in the best Clapham group tradition. It is profoundly Biblical, historically reflective, and immensely practical. Wilberforce and the Clapham group were deeply motivated by profound Biblical truths; they understood their times and fought for a systemic change.

Bridget Adams and Manoj Raithathamanoj make important observations on the unbiblical and secular – sacred divide. This notion permeates our thinking and it stifles our ability to “shape the world for good and for God”.

The book clearly demonstrates a God perspective on work and business, and points out the need for wealth creation – for the common good and God’s glory.

Adams and Raithathamanoj align with the growing global Business as Mission movement, but suggest the term Kingdom Building Business. They illustrate the transformational nature of the concept by telling the story of the Quakers, whose guiding light was “spiritual and solvent”.

God is the original entrepreneur, and throughout His-story we’ve seen men and women who have made a positive difference through business. Building the Kingdom through Business may provoke some, but it will certainly inspire, educate and equip a new generation of Kingdom building business people. But we are not just aiming for a few inspired people and a few more Kingdom building businesses. No, we dream of and work for a paradigm shift – in the church and in the market place. This pamphlet is an important part to that end.

Order the book from: www.instantapostle.com



* 4 x P: Håkan Sandberg, Sweden

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The attacks on free speech continue in Western democracies.  Here’s one more story:

There was a pro-homosexual ad campaign in London that said, “Some people are gay. Get over it”. It was sponsored by the lobby group Stonewall. That is one opinion, expressed in the public square.

Another group, an Anglican organization, wanted to run a similar ad campaign on London buses expressing a different opinion, saying “Not gay, ex-gay, post-gay, and proud! Get over it”. The campaign was cleared by industry regulator the Advertising Standards Authority and the bus company was ready to run it.

But the ad was banned by the conservative Mayor of London, Boris Johnson. It was censored. Such opinions must not be articulated in the public, according to the democratically elected Mayor.

This does not differ in principle from what the Iranian or Chinese governments do. Dictators censor opposing views and try to silence opponents. Only correct opinions, approved by authorities, can be expressed – other must be banned.

Freedom of speech is essential for democracy. Without it we have no free press, no freedom of religion, and no free and fair elections. Does Boris Johnson know that?

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Do not abandon yourselves to despair.

We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.

Pope John Paul II

Happy Easter!

Christ is risen – there is hope !!


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We are glad to announce the launch of the 2nd global think tank on Business as Mission, BAM.

I initiated and co-led the 1st global think tank on BAM, 2002 – 2004, which culminated at the Lausanne Forum in Thailand. This think tank produced the Lausanne Paper on Business as Mission. Some other major outcomes:

  • It helped to clarify and define what BAM is – and isn’t.
  • It catalyzed BAM initiatives all over the world.
  • It created a global network of BAM practitioners and thought leaders.

This is confirmed by Doug Seebeck, President of Partners Worldwide, an organization which have trained and equipped hundreds of BAMers around the world: “The original Lausanne paper on Business as Mission from 2004 has been foundational to the engagement of business people in missions around the globe.”

Neal Johnson, Ph.D., attorney, banker, educator, business consultant and entrepreneur, and the author of “Business as Mission: A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice” states that the 1st BAM think tank not “only produced a paper that was seminal for the movement, but also stimulated far-reaching insights for BAM advocates and practitioners into the movement’s “next steps” and fostered an invaluable, global network among people with the same passion for Christ in the marketplace.

(For a full of list of endorsements of the BAM Think Tank click here)

We are now launching the 2nd Global Think Tank on Business as Mission, which will open up an unprecedented opportunity for networking and collaboration for those involved in business as mission around the world.

This new Business as Mission Think Tank is working in collaboration with both the World Evangelical Alliance and The Lausanne Movement, as well as partnering with many other companies, organizations and networks.

The Chairman of Lausanne, Ram Gidoomal, who is a successful entrepreneur based in the UK, recommends the 2nd BAM think thank: One of the most exciting movements in the Church today is the engagement of Christians in the business world. The Business as Mission movement is taking the lead in creating a global network of evangelicals strategically involved in biblical transformation of people and societies through business.”

The World Evangelical Alliance is also a major global network, representing more than 500 million Christians worldwide. Its leader, Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe, writes: “The 2nd Global BAM Think Tank is going to be a significant gathering of like-minded followers of Jesus who are focused on Kingdom impact. I would urge you to participate in this important event.”

Groups will be collaborating in more than a dozen regional and national clusters, in many different languages. The think tank is also organizing 16 different global working groups focusing on various Business as Mission topics and issues. (For a list of both regional and issue related working groups, click here)

This work will culminate with the Global Congress on Business as Mission, April 25-28, 2013, a unique opportunity for networking and sharing outcomes.

One year, one goal: To invigorate the business mission movement for its vital involvement in God’s mission to the world.

To learn more and explore ways of participating, please see www.BAMthinktank.org


Mats Tunehag & Jo Plummer | Chairing Team

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