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Tag Archive 'Business as Mission'

Business as Mission is a relatively new term. But the concept is not, nor is the practice. But we can witness a renewed understanding of Biblical concepts of work and business. I have worked across the globe with these issues for about 17 years. The momentum is growing, especially in the non-Western world. Please read […]

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A decade ago The Economist labeled Africa “the hopeless continent”. Now in a recent issue the same magazine describe the continent’s impressive change and growth. A few quotes: “Africa’s economies are consistently growing faster than those of almost any other region of the world. … Ethiopia will grow by 7.5% this year, without a drop […]

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On the road again…

Last blog entry was about my visit to Rwanda. I have had many encouraging and interesting responses from all over the world, and God has used it in wonderful ways. Earlier this week I came back from almost three weeks in the USA, and I leave again for the USA tomorrow morning. One of the […]

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“East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet”, wrote Rudyard Kipling in the poem “The Ballad of East and West”. Non-profit is non-profit, and for profit is for profit, and never the twain shall meet – or should they? Maybe they already do! There is an on-going discussion in the […]

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There are an increasing number of publications (books, articles, papers) on Business as Mission, BAM. Many are authored by Westerners from a Western perspective and these contributions are good and helpful. But it is not a fair reflection of the global BAM movement, since probably most practitioners and many thought leaders are non-Westerners or run […]

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