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Business as Mission, BAM, is not a technique. It is a worldview and a lifestyle. It is about following Jesus in the marketplace – to the ends of the earth; loving God and serving people through business.

  • BAM is not doing business with a touch of ‘churchianity’
  • BAM is not Christians just doing social enterprise.
  • BAM always considers God as a stakeholder who has a vested interested in multiple bottom lines and multiple stakeholders.
  • BAM must be underpinned by a Biblical worldview, informing our planning, operations and evaluation.

One very important aspect of worldview is time. This has implications on what we can do and what God does.

This affects how we plan, operate and evaluate a BAM business, aiming at a positive impact on multiple bottom-lines for multiple stakeholders. As we do this, there are extremes to be avoided: we try to quantify and monetize everything, or nothing.

We need to ask: how can God be a stakeholder and how can we aim at a Kingdom of God impact?

This is where Chronos and Kairos come in. These are two words in Greek for time.

Chronos is quantitative, sequential and of course related to the word chronological. We operate in the Chronos, we plan and evaluate in the chronological time, also in business.

Kairos is qualitative, the supreme moment, the right time. This is for example used for God’s intervention, in the fullness of time. We cannot control this, but we can set the stage for it to some extent.

Daniel and his three friends were involved in Civil Service as Mission. In the six first chapters of the book of Daniel we observe:

* Daniel and his friends served God and the nation with professionalism, excellence and integrity. (Chronos)

* God used that to occasionally intervene (Kairos) to bring glory to himself and transform people and nations.

* Most days for Daniel and company were just another day, week, year, decade in the office. But their faithful and good work (in the Chronos) set the stage for miracles and changed lives; in the right moment God intervened. (Kairos)




This is essential as we run BAM businesses. How can we serve our customers, staff and suppliers with professionalism, excellence and integrity? We can and should carefully plan, execute and evaluate accordingly. But we also need to understand that we cannot convert anyone, push through or force a spiritual impact. But what steps can we take in the Chronos to set the stage for Kairos?

Or in the words of the apostle Paul: I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused it to grow.

Like Daniel and his friends, we must be prepared for another day, week, year, and decade in the business, as we constantly and intentionally shape the business for God and people, for many stakeholders and for multiple bottom-lines.

Chronos and Kairos help us to plan and set reasonable expectations, to see what we can do and what God can do. It can hopefully make us relax and trust God: we plant and water, but God will bring life and growth.


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Return on investment – ROI. This is a common term and acronym in the financial world as well as in the business community. People invest in businesses with a hope of getting a good return. This is also the lifeblood of the stock exchanges around the world. Companies need financial capital to start and to grow. Many start-ups get money from the 3 F’s: friends, family and fools. They may not see their money grow or return.

As we acknowledge the importance of both financial capital and investors, we also need to review the concept of ROI. The most prevalent paradigm is a Wall Street concept.



Simply put, Wall Street is relatively one-dimensional: it is about money. Investors put some money into a business, with the hope and expectation to get more money back in the shortest time possible. That it is a two-way street: money goes from investor to business, and then back from business to investor. This is not bad or evil, but we need to think bigger, beyond the traditional ROI. We need to move from Wall Street to BAM Street.

Business as Mission is about seeking a positive impact on multiple bottom-lines for multiple stakeholders – through business. In BAM God is always one of the stakeholders, thus we are not Christians just doing social enterprise.

The BAM Street is different from Wall Street. A company needs financial capital and it needs to make a profit, but that’s not all. We recognize the importance of other bottom-lines as well. John Mackey, founder of Whole Foods, states that businesses should “endeavor to create financial, intellectual, social, cultural, emotional, spiritual, physical, and ecological wealth for all their stakeholders”.*

BAM Street recognizes the importance of investors, business owners and operators, but we also value other stakeholders such as staff, clients, God, customers, community, creation, suppliers, church, family, and so forth.


BAM Street is multi-dimensional. Besides financial capital we are also intentional about putting in other kinds of capital into a business: intellectual – like mentors, and spiritual – like prayer. And it is more of a roundabout than a simple two-way street.

Roundabouts have multiple entry and exit points. I may put money in, but the financial return (part of or whole) may go to some other entity in the BAM eco-system. Part of the profit can go the community, to profit-sharing schemes or into investments in other BAM companies. (See PS)

The BAM Street engages more people and groups with various resources, to go in and through a business, to be a blessing on many levels for many stakeholders.

The global BAM movement needs more financial capital. But more money is not enough if we just think and operate on a Wall Street concept. We also need a discussion of what we mean by ROI. Should we settle for Wall Street, or should we move towards BAM Street? With the latter model we can see more and different kinds of capital invested in businesses, with more returns to more stakeholders.


PS. To learn more about how a BAM Street model works – and has worked since 2001, please see http://www.transformationalsme.org

PPS: Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury just published an article in The Telegraph, where he writes that “… inclusive capitalism does not always seek the maximisation of reward, but rather the maximisation of human flourishing.” See The Telegraph

* Conscious Capitalism, by John Mackey & Raj Sisodia


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Slavery is illegal but continues. Up to 30 million people are held as slaves today. Human trafficking is not only illegal – it is an evil. It degrades human beings, it tramples human dignity, and it creates untold pain and unbelievable misery.

The global awareness is rising quickly and manifestations against it multiply. But we are yet to see a major breakthrough in setting the captives free, which is more than a rescue operation. The survivors need healing and jobs with dignity. Jobs are also essential to adequate prevention to human trafficking.

Transformational Business

To create jobs with dignity we need to understand the transformational and instrumental character of business. Johan Sebastian Bach used the organ as an instrument to create beautiful music to the glory of God and for us to enjoy. Businesses are also instruments. They should serve people, align with God’s purposes, be good stewards of the planet and make a profit.

There is a growing global movement of Christians in business who are shaping their businesses with this dual perspective: for God and the common good.

Businesses are strong transformational agents and can effectively address global issues like corruption and poverty. Example: The biggest lift out of poverty in the history of mankind has happened in our generation – through business, and especially through the small and medium size business sector.

Thus we need to recognize the importance of business people to bring solutions to global challenges, including human trafficking. God calls some people to serve in and through business. We should affirm, equip and deploy them into making a difference in the market place. And pray for them as they fine-tune their business instruments for God and people.

Loving Jesus and serving the least through business

There is a fascinating book* about Mother Teresa and her life journey. Most people know of her dedicated and commendable work among the least and the lowliest.

But fewer are aware of the intense struggle she suffered for years regarding the silence of God. She experienced immense pain when her bridegroom Jesus felt absent, far away and silent.

But she remained faithful to Him and saw and served Him in the people she met. She wrote the following, as an answer to “who is Jesus to me?”. Excerpts:

Jesus is the Joy – to be shared

Jesus is the Hungry – to be fed

Jesus is the Thirsty – to be satiated

Jesus is the Naked – to be clothed

Jesus is the Homeless – to be taken in

Jesus is the Sick – to be healed

Jesus is the Lonely – to be loved

Jesus is the Unwanted – to be wanted

Jesus is the Beggar – to be given a smile

Jesus is the Drug Addict – to be befriend him

Jesus is the Prostitute – to remove from danger and befriend

Jesus is the Prisoner – to be visited

This is of course in line with Jesus’ own words: what you have done to one of the least, lost and lowliest, you have done to me. (Matt. 25:35-40)

Human trafficking victims suffer from of the issues described above. There are many needs and not only one way to respond to these needs.

Most of the social ills and personal problems described by Mother Teresa above, and also listed in the Matthew 25 passage, are related to unemployment. People who have jobs are less likely to suffer hunger, thirst, homelessness, lack of medical care, et cetera.

As Christians in business we thus come alongside Mother Teresa, and countless others around the world, when we express our love for Jesus by starting and growing businesses. We also respond to the question: Who is Jesus to me? Jesus is the Unemployed – to be given a job. Jesus is the trafficking victim who needs to be restored and get a job with dignity.

Freedom business

A global think tank on Business as Mission was launched 2011. The purpose has been to invigorate the global business as mission movement, to equip and encourage those who want to serve God and the common good in and through businesses – among all peoples.

To that end we launched over 30 national, regional and international working groups. Some of these groups focused on a particular issue in the Business as Mission (BAM) movement, and others were concentrating on BAM in and from a particular region or country. The groups were asked to produce papers, analyses, case studies, tools and resource directories.

The Think Tank project has resulted in a massive global gathering of both intellectual and social capital for the BAM movement. In addition to the written materials, we have built networks and have gathered together in person at the Leaders Forum and at the Global Congress on Business as Mission, both held in Thailand in April 2013.

The global BAM Think Tank also produced a groundbreaking report on how we can combat the business of the slave trade with Business as Mission, BAM. It gives a thorough analysis of the problem as well as providing concrete and practical steps to get engaged. Business is key to prevention and restoration, but by partnering with non-profits a greater impact can be achieved.

The global anti-trafficking movement is growing, but the biggest challenge may yet be to bring business solutions into the arena. This report helps us understand how businesses can become Freedom Businesses. But this is more than a concept; it is more than an awareness campaign. This is about hard and diligent work in and through business, intentionally and with a holistic approach bringing freedom and restoration by providing jobs with dignity.

The report is called: Business as Mission and Human TraffickingCombating the Business of the Slave Trade with BAM. These are some of the key observations; excerpts from the executive summary:

“Between 12 and 27 million people globally are currently caught in human trafficking and exploited for their labor or sexual services. To begin combating the monstrosities represented by these numbers, we must recognize that trafficking is an industry and the sex trade is a business. These are economically driven enterprises. We must intentionally and systematically acknowledge the important role of business as a strategy to fight the trade on both a macro and micro level.

Traditionally, businesses have been relegated to participating in anti-trafficking work as the funding source for the work of nonprofits. However, business as mission (BAM) entrusts businesses with much more than simply funding nonprofit work; the business itself becomes the vehicle of change. As such, both nonprofit and for-profit strategies are integral to success in anti-trafficking work.

Business and nonprofit work can come together in anti-trafficking work to focus on job creation, increasing the employability of individuals who have been victimized by human trafficking, and in their subsequent aftercare. Freedom business is a term used to describe enterprises that are involved in such anti-trafficking efforts and care of survivors. …

Beyond the general best practices of fair trade and BAM, freedom businesses must take extra care when considering the employment of individuals coming from situations of abuse. Extensive training in both technical and soft skills is often required for employer expectations to be met. While having a job with dignity is a major step in the restoration process, aftercare must be intentionally structured into the business so that individuals and communities can heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Creating a business that provides for individual needs while at the same time systematically attacking the larger trafficking industry is an overwhelming task for even the most enthusiastic entrepreneurs.

There are three main categories of businesses currently working in this space: businesses working for prevention, businesses creating employment for restoration and businesses working in support of field-based freedom businesses. These businesses are growing slowly, but steadily. Few have achieved profitability and most benefit greatly from subsidies of some sort. For true success to be found, freedom businesses must seek (with resolute pursuit) to be profitable, sustainable and scalable while participating in traditional marketplaces both globally and locally.

Freedom businesses are uniquely positioned to strike at the economically driven foundations of the sex trade. By combining the necessary components of economic productivity and holistic ministry, the staggering numbers of people caught in the trade can be reduced through the powerful response of freedom business.”

There were thirty leaders representing freedom businesses in nine countries who collaborated to form the think tank group on “Business as Mission (BAM) and Human Trafficking”.

Through the think tank process and subsequent BAM Congress, they identified two pressing needs which became increasingly clear: 1) Freedom businesses worldwide are in need of business planning and coaching to be more sustainable; and 2) Participation in a joint group of freedom businesses could advance their goals for impact and transformation. So they decided to form a Freedom Business Alliance, with the following purpose and objectives:

Established by a core team of strategic thinkers and a founding group of industry leaders, Freedom Business Alliance (FBA) exists to promote and equip the global community of faith- based freedom businesses. FBA aims to improve the business conditions of the freedom business industry as a whole through:

  • Promoting the common economic interest of all of members
  • Staying informed of members’ needs, with an emphasis on needs relating to business
  • Creating tools to enhance the ongoing work of its members
  • Encouraging communication and collaboration
  • Providing training resources and mentoring opportunities

The BAM think tank report trumpets a new call to freedom – through freedom businesses. We must allow it to ring and be heard widely. As Martin Luther King said 50 years ago:

“When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty, we’re free at last!”

PS. This is a long article, blog. You can stop here or read the continuation below. But make sure to check the links enclosed below.

Article continues….

Need to get organized

One can make three observations about human trafficking, which is big organized crime: 1. It is big. 2. It is organized. 3. It is transnational.

Human trafficking, modern day slavery, is the 2nd biggest organized crime in the world. It is about many billions of dollars and involves very sophisticated transnational operations.

Some estimates indicate that about 27 million people have been tricked, shipped, deployed to slave like work and who are held against their will. All over the world. It is big business. It is organized. The trafficking operations involve all kinds of professions and skills and they are connected. Think multi-national company with all levels, from janitors to highflying CEOs.

Anti-human-trafficking initiatives can be labeled as small, often local and disorganized in comparison. Unfortunately. To adequately address and combat human trafficking we need to build critical mass (become big) and build strategic alliances (become organized) and work across national borders (become transnational).

I see two major challenges for anti-trafficking initiatives. One problem is that it is mainly two categories of people and groups who are involved: 1.Legislators, policy makers, and government agencies. 2. NGOs, non-profit and volunteer based organizations. These people and groups are good and needed. They are not the problem. The problem is the people and groups who are not involved or not even invited to combat this evil.

We know that unemployment makes people vulnerable to traffickers. It is also a fact that we can’t talk about restoration of victims of human trafficking unless we can offer them jobs with dignity. Thus adequate prevention and restoration must include job creation. This means that business people must be a part of anti-trafficking networks as we try to get big and organized.

The second problem is disconnectedness. Local and national disconnected anti-trafficking measures are not sufficient to tackle to big organized crime, to initiate preventative steps and rescue actions and to restore the victims of these criminal gangs. We need to have functional transnational collaborative strategies, i.e. we need to connect various anti-trafficking groups with one another, develop strategic alliances across both borders and special expertise. Business people need to be an integral part of these partnerships. Only then can we really build bridges to freedom to those who have been enslaved.

In short: we need to get more kinds of professions and skills sets involved and we need to build international strategic alliances. Is that a pipe dream? No!

There is one very promising initiative in Europe: The European Freedom Network, (EFN). It started 2009 and now (2015) has about 200 partners in over 40 countries in Europe working together to prevent human trafficking and provide restorative processes for its victims. EFN is not the silver bullet but is definitely an important step in the right direction of building critical mass, getting organized and operating transnationally.

Strategic alliances and networks are important for many reasons. Let me give you some food for thought, some teasers:

An African proverb says: if you want to walk fast – walk alone. If you want to walk far – walk together.

Do we want to be a sparkler or a lighthouse? One is short lived; one is there for the long haul. One is easy to start; the other one takes more joint efforts and organization. One is sparkling fun for a brief moment; one is a guiding light, saving many year after year.

Why are airlines creating strategic alliances? They can serve more people, give better services, and fly more people to more destinations.

What are we as Christians to do with Christ’s prayer about visible and practical unity? This will have strategic and practical implications when we engage in anti-trafficking work and pursue justice and mercy to bring healing and restoration to its victims.

Business as Mission can be smelly

Christ talks about invasion: may God’s Kingdom come on earth, may God’s will be done in our lives and societies today. The incarnational mystery is one of engagement, living among us, sharing our lives and circumstances.

Business as Mission recognizes our calling to be salt and light in the marketplace. It is not about evacuating Christians from a sinful and corrupt commercial sphere, but rather becoming an answer to the Lord’s Prayer: May your Kingdom come in the business world. We are a part of an invasion force, as it were.

Being involved in business, shaping it for God and the common good, will never be an easy ride or a smooth sailing. But we are to pursue an incarnational witness in all our relationships and dealings in the marketplace, even in freedom businesses. And it may carry an odor:

“What is holy in our midst has something to do with the odor of dung on a stable in Bethlehem, the fruity taste of wine on the table at Cana, and the smell of dried blood on the cross at Golgatha.”  (Thomas Merton)

“…the odor of dung on a stable in Bethlehem, …”

Joseph and Mary were forced to travel and make great sacrifices due to tax authorities. It was not a grand start of a relationship and family life. It was most likely stressful, disappointing, and definitely smelly. But they carried Jesus, and He transformed many lives and circumstances.

Starting and operating business can be stressful and disappointing. Dealing with tax authorities can be tough in all countries. But God’s holiness can be displayed in the messiness of the marketplace. We are, like Joseph and Mary, to carry Jesus – into the marketplace.

“…the fruity taste of wine on the table at Cana,…”

Jesus produced wine, not just any wine, but superb quality wine. At a time of celebration Jesus was not a party pooper. There is a time and there is a season, a time to preach and a time to make good wine.

We want to make good quality products, and excel in serving our customers. Sometimes our businesses prosper and we can rejoice and “enjoy the good wine”, as it were. God’s holiness can be displayed both in the smelly and dirty stable, and in the festive occasion where material blessings abound.

“…and the smell of dried blood on the cross at Golgatha.”

There was a short time between Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and the mob crying ‘crucify him’. Jesus fed the hungry and healed the sick, and he was also betrayed, abandoned, put through a mistrial and killed.

There are elements of dying, of pain and hurt, even as we engage in Business as Mission. Some may sing our praises one day, and intentionally try to destroy our business the next day. Customers may steal and partners cheat. Authorities may falsely accuse you of wrongdoing.

Doing business, also Freedom Business, as unto the Lord, will have “something to do with the odor of dung on a stable in Bethlehem, the fruity taste of wine on the table at Cana, and the smell of dried blood on the cross at Golgatha.”  

For further info:




* Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta. Edited and with commentary by Brian Kolodiejchuk




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Please let me highlight three BAM resources, free to use and share:


  • 31 Days of Bible on Business

The YouVersion Bible has been installed over 176 million times. The devotional – Bible on Business – is now available as a reading plan. I had the privilege to submit a text and also recruit others to share reflections on business.

Please sign up for 31 days of “Bible on Business”. https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/1488-bible-on-business

The Bible is full of statements and stories applicable to work and business. Don’t miss this opportunity!


  • The BAM Review

The BAM Review is a new publication for the business as mission community with fresh articles and stories on Business as Mission. Get the latest business as mission news, blogs and resources direct to your inbox.

Sign up here http://businessasmission.com/blog/


  • 9 BAM Videos

There are 9 BAM videos available. They cover different issues; have different lengths and presentation styles. Please feel free to use and share. http://matstunehag.com/videos/


  • Easter greeting


“Do not abandon yourselves to despair.

We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.“

Pope John Paul II

Happy Easter! Christ is risen – there is hope !!


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I spent a few days in Thailand this week in planning meetings for the expansion of the BAM Global Think Tank.** During the visit I was interviewed about the status of the Business as Mission movement; its yesterday, today and tomorrow. Here goes…

Mats Tunehag has been speaking, writing and convening on business as mission for 20 years. When he visited The BAM Review office recently, we asked him a few questions about the business as mission movement.

Mats, what have you seen changing in business as mission in the last 15-20 years?

We are seeing a reawakening of what it means to be a Christian in business in our day and age. There has been remarkable growth of people getting engaged in doing business for God and the common good. If we take a 15 year time span, there are things we have today that didn’t exist 15 years ago. Now, we have a greater common understanding globally of this idea that we call ‘business as mission’. There are significant common denominators in our understanding, even though terminology may vary from group to group.

15 years ago when you mentioned business as mission, there were many questions about ‘What is that?’, ‘Is this something we want to get involved in?’. Today you can travel to almost any country and bump into people who have heard of, or are talking about, or practicing, business as mission. That is one of the major changes globally.

Another change in the last 15 years, is that we now see an unprecedented global connectedness of people involved in business as mission (BAM). There are now many more people involved in the ‘BAM ecosystem’ around the world; not just business owners, and other business professions, but those that provide support services. There is a growing recognition that businesses are needed for holistic impact, by mission agencies, churches, academics, and others who are connecting in. So now there isn’t just individual expressions of business as mission around the world, but a global movement. People are working together, and having a broader impact, and that is a significant change.

What’s ahead? What do you see as some of the big opportunities for the BAM movement for the future?

We need to acknowledge that businesses can provide solutions some of the most serious issues globally. Even more so, BAM businesses have a unique contribution to make as we are trying to address some of the dire problems that we find around the world. For example, according to some statistics, there is a 1.8 billion job deficit globally, that is rising, especially among young people in the Arab world and Asia. One of the biggest challenges we are facing is unemployment, underemployment and the lack of jobs with dignity. This is beyond just job creation, the Mafia also creates jobs, and so does the sex industry! This is about creating jobs, with human dignity, that honor God and are good for people and society.

Many countries are facing enormous environmental challenges and we know that through technological innovations, there are solutions that can be commercialized to address such problems.

Another global issue is the endemic corruption that keeps people and nations in poverty. Business as mission is also about doing ‘business as justice’! That means – like the Old Testament prophets before us – we take a stand against bribes, labour exploitation and cheating customers and suppliers on products, services or payments. How can we shape our businesses, and connect our businesses, to create momentum for fighting corruption?

We need to keep increasing that connectedness that I was talking about earlier, and build a critical mass of Christians in the marketplace that are involved in business as mission – regardless of what they call it or what terms they use, or what business or industry they are in.

What do you think is holding us back?

A major challenge we encounter again and again is the issue of worldview. Business as mission is not a technique, it’s a worldview centered on following Jesus in to the marketplace.

This worldview, shaped by the Bible, includes seeing wealth creation as something good and seeing creativity in business as being something that is helpful for people and society. It involves affirming, equipping and deploying business people into service as they do business unto God and for the common good.

The sacred-secular divide is deeply entrenched in our churches and in our thinking as Christians all around the world. So we can’t just do a minor tweak in our business techniques. No, there is a need to completely align our thinking with the Bible’s view on work and business.

What are you particularly excited about at the moment?

That this is actually a global movement! This is bigger than any organization or person or business or conference. A movement means that there is a growth that is beyond any one person’s control. If we think about the a global charismatic movement that emerged in the 1970‘s, for instance, there were some significant leaders and initiatives, but you could never find out where the headquarters of the charismatic movement was! There was no number to call!

The same is happening with business as mission now. God is at work and people around the world are embracing Biblical truths and running with it. There is a great variety of things happening from place to place and industry to industry; and while there is common vision and purpose, you can’t point to the center. It is a true movement and that is so exciting to me.

Mats Tunehag in conversation with Jo Plummer, Editor of The BAM Review 


** The interview was first published at here. The BAM Global Think Tank will expand to further support the growth of the movement. To that end we have, among other things, re-vamped the website www.businessasmission.com, a strategic alignment between the Business as Mission Resource Team and the BAM Global Think Tank. We are in the midst of a major re-grouping, but you can get a glimpse here at BAM Global. More is yet to come. Stay tuned…

PS. This interview is also available in Korean:  https://xhe2dd.a2cdn1.secureserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/BAM-The-Global-Movement-Today-Challenges-Ahead.pdf

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