On March 17 many people around the globe celebrate St. Patrick. He was a human trafficking victim in the 5th century, who became a missionary to the people and land (Ireland) where he was a slave.
Let me share a well-known prayer by St. Patrick, and customize it to a prayer for faith driven investors: (the original is in bold and italics)
Christ with me, as I invest for the common good and God’s glory
Christ before me, as I steward the wealth entrusted to me
Christ behind me, as I evaluate opportunities near and afar
Christ in me, as I invest time, treasure and talents in others
Christ beneath me; He is the foundation
Christ above me, He is the owner of it all
Christ on my right, Christ on my left, He is the Lord of the marketplace
Christ when I lie down, and rest from my work
Christ when I sit down, in my office chair
Christ when I arise, enthusiastic or weary
Christ in the heart of every person who thinks of us, and our vision
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of us, and our work
Christ in every eye that sees us, young and old, rich and poor, countrymen and foreigners
Christ in every ear that hears me speak about our products and services
Glory be to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.
PS. I first shared this prayer at the Faith Driven Investors event in Park City, Utah in USA on 24 July 2019.